Protecting Your Rights in Domestic Violence Cases
Domestic violence, legally referred to as domestic assault, can have a profound impact on your life, whether you are the accused or the victim. Our attorneys have a deep understanding of how sensitive these cases are, and have experience working with clients on both sides. This allows us to tailor our representation with a clear understanding of the opposition. If you are facing a domestic violence case, it’s crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced Nebraska domestic violence attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected and that you are able to get a more favorable outcome from your case.
Examples of Forms of Domestic Violence
- Inflicting or attempting to inflict physical harm, with or without a dangerous item (e.g. firearm, blunt object, etc.)
- Inducing fear of harm through a credible threat, which encompasses verbal, written or digital threats or a pattern of behavior or a combination of statements/behavior that induces fear for one’s own or their family’s safety.
Domestic Violence Protection Order
A domestic violence protection order, also known as a restraining order, is a court-issued directive aimed at preventing further abuse of domestic violence victims.
Obtaining a Restraining Order in Nebraska
Obtaining a restraining order involves filing a petition with the court to prove that you have been a victim of domestic violence. The court will very often initially grant a temporary protection order and then hold a hearing to determine if it should be made permanent.
Defending Against a Domestic Violence Protection Order
If you are facing accusations of domestic violence and have been served with a temporary restraining order, you can request that a hearing be scheduled to determine if the order should become permanent. It is important that you contact our legal team as soon as possible so that we can assess your case and identify any relevant defenses to present in court and make sure that you get the hearing you deserve. We will also work to prepare a comprehensive defense strategy or seek to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with the other party before the hearing takes place.